
Some people do their planning before they sit down and actually write. I plan along the way, among the pages of my stories and words I find a path that leads… well, if not forward, at least somewhere. Which might be as interesting as the planned path, if I had one. The writing process, or my writing process, is a living, evolving being which cannot be tamed by planning. It is my Fenriz Wolf, howling every time the typeslugs  hit the paper.

The sound!

Oh, the lovely music  the TP1 creates while you type!  I fell in love instantly! It reminds me of the sound of my Model 1, very similar indeed, although the Model 1 sings in a slightly higher note. Maybe a choir, a duet with these two? I think I’ll have to involve my wife in this…

Books in absurdum.

My wife got me this for Christmas (I gave her subtle, well, hints) and it is just great. I would surely recommend it to all of you who have an interest in books and libraries. There are a lot of wonderful shots of libraries from all over the world and enormous amounts of information… One could just pick a page randomly or enjoy it as you would a peaty whisky (preferably Ardbeg). I myself took the ”whisky path” and therefore I haven’t reached further than maybe one third of the journey. Besides, I have two or three novels that I’m reading at the same time so this is something to return to from time to time. The size of it? It’s not a Penguin Pocket…